24 January 2010

The Meryl Sisters

It's still January so that totally seems to fall in the acceptable range of discussing all that Christmas crafting I did (nevermind the fact that I had uploaded all the images ahead of time with the intention of writing blog posts as I was visiting family over the holidays).

First and foremost, I fixed that doll I thought looked a little off. The mom who purchased them for her daughters liked one more than the other and I couldn't blame her. I took a few tools on the road with me and showed up at her door to fix the doll.

Remember that she started out looking like this:
(she's the one on the right)

And to be honest she reminded me forceably of Kristin Wiig's SNL character, one of the Meryl Sisters.


Not exactly cute for a little girls first, best doll.

So I added a little hair to her front, restyled it into a pony tail, added some recycled silk yarn as a headband and a bow.


Much better.

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